Step-By-Step Procedure on Car Loan Application in Nigeria

If you’re thinking about getting a car loan in Nigeria, you’re in luck! It’s not as complicated as you might think. We’ve broken down the process into easy-to-follow steps to help you navigate through it smoothly.

Step 1: Choose Your Car:

Start by deciding whether you want a brand-new car or a fairly used one. Knowing what you want will make the process much easier. This step is crucial, as it gives you a clear direction when approaching a bank or car loan company.

Step 2: Know the Costs:

Find out the total cost of the car, including any additional expenses like insurance. Banks typically finance a portion of the cost, usually around 60% to 70%, leaving you to cover the rest. This is known as your equity. For example, if the car costs N2 million, the bank might provide N1.2 million, and you’ll need to contribute N800,000.

Step 3: Check Dealer-Bank Arrangements:

See if your chosen car dealer has an existing arrangement with a bank. Some banks have agreements with dealers to simplify the loan process.

Step 4: Choose the Right Bank:

Look for a bank that offers car loan products. Most banks in Nigeria provide such services, so you have options to choose from.

Step 5: Contact Your Bank:

If your bank offers car loans, reach out to your account officer and express your interest. If you’re considering a different bank, get in touch with their customer service, but keep in mind that you may need to open an account with them.

Step 6: Prepare Necessary Documents:

You’ll be asked to submit a formal application for a car loan. Attach copies of your payslip, the final car invoice, and your employment letter. Your account officer will use these documents for processing.

Step 7: Await Processing:

After submitting your application, wait for the bank to process it. They may provide forms for you to fill out with personal details, salary information, and your address.

Step 8: Review the Offer Letter:

Once processed, the bank will present you with an offer letter. This document outlines the loan amount, interest rate, repayment terms, fees, and other details. Make sure to review it carefully and ask any questions you may have.

Step 9: Loan Disbursement:

If you agree with the terms, fulfill any remaining requirements, and the bank will disburse the loan to your account. They will only transfer the funds to the car dealer when it’s time to issue a bank draft for the car purchase.

Step 10: Get Your Car:

The bank will issue a draft to your dealer, and you can finally get your car. Keep in mind that both your name and the bank’s name will be on the car documents. The bank’s security is primarily the comprehensive insurance and the car itself, so be sure to make timely payments to avoid any issues.


Getting a car loan in Nigeria is a straightforward process. While the steps outlined here provide a general guide, there may be slight variations in the actual loan process. Remember to choose a bank that suits your needs and review all documents carefully.

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