NYSC loans – Eligibility and how to apply

Are you an aspiring entrepreneur, an NYSC corps member, or an ex-corps member with dreams of kickstarting your own business? The NYSC business loan for youths, facilitated by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) in partnership with Heritage Bank through the Youth Innovative Entrepreneurship Development Programme (YIEDP), offers a golden opportunity to turn your business dreams into reality.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of applying for this transformative loan.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the NYSC business loan, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. Age: Applicants must be between 18 and 35 years old.
  2. Status: You must be a serving corps member or an ex-corps member with less than five years post-NYSC experience.
  3. Business Idea: You must have a viable business idea that you’re passionate about.

Qualified Business Sectors

The NYSC loan is available for ventures in various sectors, including but not limited to:

  • Agro-allied
  • Food Processing
  • Power & Energy
  • Film & Photography
  • Manufacturing
  • Cottage Industry
  • Construction Support
  • Technology (ICT)
  • Automobile
  • Education Financing
  • Information and Communication Technology
  • and other fields

Loan Amounts and Application Process

Individuals can apply for loans of up to 3 million Naira, while groups comprising three to five individuals can apply for loans of up to 10 million Naira.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to applying for the NYSC loan:

  1. Visit the official portal to begin your application.
  2. Use your NYSC state code for the application process.
  3. Individuals can request loans of up to three million, while groups can apply for up to ten million.
  4. Each applicant can submit one business idea at a time.
  5. Track your application’s progress through the portal.

Collateral Requirements

To secure the NYSC loan, you’ll need the following documents:

  1. Tertiary Institution Certificate
  2. NYSC discharge certificate, or a pledge of your discharge certificate if you’re still in service.
  3. Any legal ownership of assets financed by other banks.


Embarking on your entrepreneurial journey as a young person can be daunting without the necessary capital. The NYSC business loan serves as a vital lifeline, providing the funds needed to bring your business ideas to life. Remember, this opportunity isn’t limited to current corps members; ex-corps members within five years of discharge can also benefit.

In addition to the NYSC loan, there are other financing options available to the general public in Nigeria. Explore these opportunities to further bolster your entrepreneurial endeavors. Take that bold step towards becoming a successful entrepreneur with the NYSC business loan.

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